
ok, first block is basically a free day. i'm number twelve in senior project presentations, i go next tuesday, not bad. anyway, last night i got to watch two shows i've not seen before, mad mad house and straight plan for the gay man. i'll start with straight plan, it's a show for gay men who want to pass as straight, so these five straight men and take away all the fashion sense that the guy has, replacing it with a surprising new look and a place to match. it was very interesting. then there's mad mad house, my reality show! from now on i'm doing a weekly thing on it. Starting with the main people of the show, the 5 alts. There's Art, a modern primitive(tattoos and piercings and hanging from the ceiling fun), Fiona, a witch(i own one of her books!!!!!), Avocado, a naturist ( he wants to get as close as possible to nature), and Ta'shia, a voodoo priestess(she got the people involved in a ritual and some people cried) Then there's Don, a vampire. He is the focus of the first challenge. The guests had to jump into a fountain of blood and get either a cross, a bat, or a garlic clove and throw it into the urn of the person they don't want to win. Lots of bloody fun. Now for the guests I'll just list them and bold the person who got kicked off. it is important to notice that all of them are conservative to some extent. bonnie(the old lady), brent(wishes everybody was christian), eric, hamin, jamie, kelly(extremely emotional and live in a convent), loana, nichole, noel(asshole), and tim(prude).

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