
Make your reservations now!

With Samhain drawing close, so does my baking marathon. Though I'm annoyed that I won't be allowed to bake for Thanksgiving, I'll be baking for Yule. The first batch of pumpkin bread comes out on Saturday(3 loaves, claim 1 now). I think I'm going to try a pumpkin roll for Yule, along with a chocolate espresso cheesecake, and maybe red velvet cake. Why am I making plans right now, 2 months in advanced? I needed a break from homework. My mentor is letting me teach a 3 day unit on figurative language and my professor will be in to observe the one on Friday. The good news about it is that I'll be pretty much done with my observations. I still have to work on my outline for Historical Methods(along with that 5 page paper), revise my History of GA paper, and presentations for 3 classes. I guess I should get back to all of that.

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