
Mom is home

My mom is doing fine and got out of the hospital on Wednesday. She only stayed in an extra day because she couldn't eat and became dehydrated. They don't know what was wrong exactly, but they are going to do more tests in a few weeks, just to make total sure that everything is back to normal. My brother brought the crew down and has been hanging out for the week. The boys are little firecrackers. My parents and I took them to Monkey Joes. I ended up being the one climbing through the tunnels chasing the little ones around and feel very achy today. My aunt has had either a cold or some allergies and hasn't really been around. My Uncle... has been a total asshole and I've lost every ounce of respect for him, which was barely there already. He disrespected my mom and her choice of doctors by questioning them relentlessly, my dad not trusting him to look out for my mom's best interests, and my other aunts and uncles by fighting them every time they asked him to back off. One aunt has said that her kids are not allowed to spend the night with him, for fear of getting his bad habits. He even managed to not only disrespect me and my abilities, but to make me feel gross by sitting next to him. In ten minutes, he managed to treat me like I didn't know how to use a search engine and insult half my friends by talking about wanting to beat up a gay guy he saw on t.v. just because the guy looked gay.

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