
Happy demon with new horns roam GSU campus

I'm writing you from my ITEC final, on which I got a pitiful grade. Oh well. I made my own new website because of this class- irodrig1.tripod.com. Check it out- almost everybody's pic is on their, or will be as soon as I can get the software onto my computer. Renfest news- Lindsay and I are going to try to go either this weekend or next weekend. If I can either get my interview moved to this weekend or in 3 weeks, it'll be next weekend. If not, it'll be this weekend or in 3 weeks. I'm almost done with my costume. I've just been slacking on my leather top. It's hard to sew leather, but the jewelry and tiger print skirt are done. YAY!!*does happy dance* Now I must go and do other stuff, but I expect somebody to e-mail with days for renfesty fun*does dramatic drop on sofa that mysteriously appeared* I must see you people at some point this year.

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