
Warning: I got shit to get off my chest
There are things in this life that just piss me the fuck off. Explanation- I have to type a paper about something that I feel is unjust or unfair. As I have been following this election, mostly because I'm voting(as is everybody else, even if I have to drag you by your ears damn it!!) and don't want to put in a total jack ass, I felt doing one that is a thing in the election this year would be app. Brittany Sansbury almost took my idea, but she was transferred to another class, so I took it back. My decision-gay marriages in the United States. For days after the assignment was given, I still mulled over the idea, thinking about doing something else, something not so controversial. This past Saturday made the decision for me. An article on the back of the Ledger talked about adding an amendment to the Georgia Constitution, maybe even the US Constitution, banning gay civil unions(translation: if you're gay and your partner becomes a vegetable, you can't do shit- you could have known that person for 30 years, but, in the eyes of the law, you might as well be a stranger !! )Upon reading this I actually got out of an emotional void I'd been trapped in for about a week- End of Explanation.
I wonder how old the people surveyed are and where they're from. A poll said that 61% of people polled in who knows where agree with doing this. So I want to know from anybody who reads this, is this polling accurate? Spread the question around! Am I the only one who feels that any bastard who votes this into effect is helping to deny a basic freedom(look it up- amendment 9- you can't deny one group of people w/out denying the others, which is why they are trying to amend the constitution) and is heterosexist(actual word!!! A person who's not homophobic but seeks to deny homosexuals right because they are an inferior person- kind of like a sexist or racist)
I'm shutting up now so my eye can stop twitching. Just ending with this: opinions are assholes and everybody's got one, but nobody, NOBODY, is telling me or my friends or even my enemies who they can or can't fall in love with!!!

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