
greetings to the new year

Hope everybody is having fun with their classes. I think my semester will be interesting- 4 English type classes. I was scared about the English grammar class, but the teacher seems to understand the plight of us students in the American education system where grammar is not encouraged except as little red marks on paper with clueless looks as we try to figure out what the hell a comma splice is and how to fix it.
Creative writing is an hour long group therapy session with 11 other people I've never met before, but we must show our souls in writing. It's great though because there is a whole variety of people, from essay type people to poets to short story writers. The teacher is even trying to get a book of his poems published.
American Novel is taught by a person who compared the education system to George Orwell's 1984 government system. He makes it enjoyable to be in a class at 8 am.
American Lit 2 is the only class on MW and it is the most boring, book heavy classes I've ever had.
I would've had more, but the high amount of work from these classes and my parents telling me to get out of 2 classes( always listen to parents- almost anyway) caused my to drop 2.
Work is... work. They have reduced the number of people working to just 1 person and the boss-lady. I don't know how much I like that considering boss-lady will be bringing her baby in as well. Hopefully, it won't last too long before they hire another person or 2 for the day shift. I'm staying there because it's decent pay and I'm trying to save money for a trip to Italy.
I'm also trying to actually start living a healthier lifestyle, beginning with getting rid of the extra pounds. It's only the first week of this major effort, but I am doing little realistic things to reach the goal. I plan on having a very busy year.

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