With that said, on to the most incredible weekend I've had in a long time. I went to visit Peter in Athens. Yay! He gave a night tour of campus and we got to ring the bell on Friday. Everybody should do that. I also got to walk through the cemetery. Its broken beauty was a sight I loved and mourned:: sighs:: On Saturday, we went to the international street fest. Awesomeness! The dancers were cool, but we missed the Japanese group perform.

I got this pic of Peter and Puck at the fest. Some guy actually stopped Peter and asked about Puck. Most others just gave us strange looks. After the fest we hung out in Peter's room until Peter went to see if anybody came back and discovered the door unlocked. We were debating have Puck sit in the room and leave, but decided against it. For dinner that day, we went to a place called Locos and split a tuna sandwich, some pasta salad, and a slice of cheesecake with Peter's $10 gift certificate. Not very filling, so Peter went with Randy to the dining hall and snuck out some grilled cheese sandwiches for me. Then we watched t.v. and watched the coolest show with a nun named Sister Wendy, Saturdays at 9 on PBS. I hope she comes on in Statesboro. Then I hung out with Peter and Randy as they did laundry and we watched Headbangers Ball then Wonder Showzen (sp?), which is like Sesame Street on Acid, maybe something stronger. Sunday, Peter and I hung woke up at 9 in the morning so I could get breakfast and lunch for $6. We hung out in the dining hall from 9:30 until 12:00. The he, Carly, and I walked to the cemetery and took some pictures around the area. We cleaned up some of stuff lying around- beer bottles, a rusted wagon and a thing that looked like a bound and gagged person-damn those litterers. (Peter- tell Carly my shoulders aren't burnt but my face will be peeling soon *-*) Before I left, I gave Peter I big hug and he wrapped his legs around my waist as a person in a truck just stared at us. It was an amusing way to end a fun trip. Now, back to the fun of classes!
Yaaay! It was such a nice time. Thanks for posting the picture, hahah. I'm thinking about making it my new facebook.com ID...!
i wish i could ahve been there. it sounds like you guys had a lot fun. email me when you get a chance. love ya lots girlie
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