

I wanted to update my blog the day I got back here but certain issues came up. Anyway, the Japanese speech competition was lots of fun. It was great to see so many people again. It's been too long. I wish to do more stuff and see everybody again like that. Peter should have placed, but nothing can be done about that. Umezono was yummy! Peter has some pics on his blog so look there. After Umezono and Tomato, I went with Peter to Athens for the night and met more of his friends. I mostly listened as they talked about things going on in UGA. Everybody went to bed around 1:00, but, except for Peter, nobody fell asleep for awhile because of random conversations. Anyway, woke up at 7:30 because an alarm went off and I got to watch as Peter was stepped on. Peter and I then went to his room to talk and find directions to get me back to GS. I ended up leaving at about 9:30- 10:00, but got lost a couple of times, so I didn't make it back until 12:50 or so. I did not even put my stuff down when a girl I know asked me to go have lunch with her. She chose Checkers, vegetarians paradise::rolls eyes::, so I went for the ride. At Checkers, this girl left her keys in the ignition, the windows open, and the doors unlocked. On the way back, she drove on the wrong side of the road and we almost died. I came back to find Katie in the room, sick as a dog, but not hangover sick, flu sick. After that I got a couple of phone calls, fell asleep, woke up, chatted, then fell back asleep.
Monday, my English lab was cancelled, so I went to have dinner with Lindsay. She told me about different role playing games on the net, so I followed her back to her room and she showed me what goes on in them. Tuesday, Lindsay and I took a walking tour of the campus where we went to the museum and the Wildlife center, to talk to one of her teachers, and to English class, which was cancelled. Then we went to Walmart for camping supplies, to a JAFA meeting, then I went and hung out in Lindsay's dorm. Also on Tuesday, I went to check out some apartments that are really nice and cheaper than some of the dorms on campus. I talked to my mom about it and we basically got into an argument via AIM because she tried to make certain points without knowing all the details. So Wednesday I got a copy of the lease so that she could see it. Also on Wednesday, Lindsay and I went movie hunting First in Blockbuster, where the dude kept following us and asking if he could help with anything, then to Movie Gallery, where Big Daddy Wolf(or something like that) convinced us to help him put away videos, we got stuff for it. Then we went and ate ice cream at Carvels(yummy) and back to Lindsay's dorm to watch SAW. Tomorrow is the JAFA camping trip. YAY!
By the way, Lindsay has her own
blog, which I said before, but she got mad because I didn't say anything about her::shrugs::. Well, she's just as insane as I am, but cool. She loves Mad, Mad House and other reality shows. She's in chorus, in love with Erik, the Phantom of the Opera and has a creation named Muse. Anything else, she can add to the comment box, so check there.


Lindsay said...

You said I was mad, I must make a correction

Lindsay said...

arg...now I make my correction...I was not mad merely disappointed at the lack of information given. as I said before...I could have had two heads for all you said...well...I don't...but they didn't know that...unless we want them to think I have two heads..do we?
[Muse] You'd be better of with two, maybe then you'd have a whole brain.
Oh hush...forget I said anything...can't do anything for him...grrr

Peter said...

Ahhh, it was so good to see you that weekend! I hope that I'll be able to come down and visit you sometime soon. At least... some time this semester, hahah.