
I'm stuck in the Boro

So I got stuck here this weekend for two reasons: 1) a hurricane is coming and the ability to get back is uncertain, 2) My parents took a bunch of money out of my account, so I have nothing. My parents will make it up to me though, I'm getting contacts, a cloak, and scarecrow fangs(shredder or x-tra long?). My dad is getting kicked out the army in October, but they're going to turn in a different ID card for me, so I can still shop on post. I'm going to visit my brother in a couple of weekends, he sold almost all of his dogs(3 left from 10) and is working on the cats. I think that's everything here. LATER

UPDATE: Classes got cancelled, the hurricane hit Sunday night, Monday morning. Nobody's trying to drive anywhere they don't deem needed. I'm working on a paper and studying. They tried to scare some students by saying we were going to have to go to class anyway. I won a $250 hooded velvet cloak on ebay for $25! LATER.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Hell yeah for the cloak! That's an awesome deal... ebay is fantastic.

And I put my vote in for the shredder fangs!