
My family's path

I've get to get this off my chest.
It deals with my family, go figure. I'm the freak of the family in so many ways!!!
The Explanation:
I have no problem having people eating meat around me. I just want a little support in my decisions. Don't ask if I want a bite of the hamburger. The answer is no. Also a warning would be nice for food that has had meat in it. For the second time, my dad has gotten me sick by giving me the food and taking out the meat, but not telling me(I avoid the kitchen when they're cooking out of being polite). My mom is like just eat it and there won't be any problems. They don't like change. There's the family path- get married young(before 25) join/marry a man in(for the women) a government agency, and have a baby soon after marriage. Everybody is in some form of Christianity and they can't live without meat, my uncle said he was going to be a vegetarian, but didn't last two hours(literally, my grandma made his favorite meat dish). I feel better with this realization. LATER.


shaquita said...

hey. i need to come by and get my books sometime this weekend or next week so i can start my packing process...how are things going? i havent heard from you in awhile

Anonymous said...

hey Ivette. Just wanted to say hi since you haven't answered my emails yet. I need those movies back, so just drop them off at Peachtree whenever. Just give them to someone in the box office and tell them to give them to me when they see me, or preferrably tell them to take them into booth whenever they have a chance. I wish I had a chance to meet with you so you could borrow the remake of "Night," and the original "Day".