
Alright, graduation is over with and I finished my first day at work. The best news of all...there are no extra people in the house and I got my room back! It's nice to see my family and all, but I would prefer them stay @ a hotel or something during the night. Anyway, after work I went shopping for some office clothes, then I came home and finally e-mailed the person who may be my room mate, as well as my brother. Finally I would like to thank those who came to the BBQ and say to Peter: you missed the only person who would have commented on your shirt to your face, except in Spanish. I'm going to bring some of the roast pork, which my mom froze, for everybody to try on Thursday, but it will take about an hour at low temperature to reheat(that's what my dad told me to do) Speaking of Thursday, I'll be there at 5:30-6:00, so please call me if you guys are going to be some place else. That's all for now.
Blessed Be!!!!!!!!!!Peace!!!

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