
I have found four different scholarships. Hopefully that'll make my parents happy. On to the quick recap of Mad Mad House. We were able to have TNT, Geimer and I went to the NHS induction and scared several people. Afterward we went to Peter's and watched Mad Mad House. Tim was finally taken out, yeah!!!!! Don said did something funny, he made it look like he was going to try to eliminate the person who was immuned*snicker* The thing that Art did with hanging from the ceiling was awesome. I kind of felt sorry for Nicole, almost everybody is against her, it doesn't matter what she acts like, but they're taking it a bit out of proportion and if they take her out the others will try to do it again. Actually, it would be kind of funny because it would be guaranteed to blow up in their faces.
Just a reminder to everybody coming to Sunday's picnic: bring dirt.
If possible why don't you guys bring your favorite incense.
That's all for now.
Blessed Be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Peace!

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