The Jackal
What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
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I'm Satan's right hand man. Anyway, no matter which you get, check the others.
Brownie- Your like a brownie you melt on people and
people stick to you your kind and affectionate.
Your a good listener whether you know it or not
and people look up to you no matter how they
act everybody has a place for you in their
JUNK FOOD QUIZ! What junk best describes you?
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Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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You are a Siren. More adventurous than all with a
voice like no other you sit on warm rocks and
sing to the moon and sea. Yet sometimes
shipwrecks find you and raving men want you.
You are a bottle of talent and power. What the
unknown is you seek to find, and a lover. You
have the moon and stars as friends. There are a
very few of you, what a rare find. Will you
rate my quiz, I think your voice in just
What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics)
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That's all for now. LATER